You see, i had a bet with my good friend S*A*M* to see who could stay away longer.
I won. It wasn't hard either. In fact, I probably could have gone the rest of my life
without ever stepping foot in that place again and i would have died a happy girl.
So why, do you ask, was i there tonight? In my defense, it was only because my
friend Cass was throwing a party for her sister, and had asked me to come. She my girl yo!
who says you need drinks to be entertained when you've got people like this??
(actually, that's not totally true. i definitely needed to down at least 2 drinks to even handle all of them.)

this was pretty much my expression the whole night...
along with the thought of "getmeoutofhereasapPLEASE!"

the best part of the night was when boy-band-who-will-not-be-named
showed up looking like they stole the backstreet boy's wardrobe circa 1999.
side note: i wish i had a clear picture of all members and their outfits,
because it was truly spectacular and would have been worth sharing... er.... exploiting.

-- alexVIPER
good stuff
whoa, that shit is worse than i thought..
how did you stomach it??
at least it is hilarious in retrospect
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